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The Voice Of Reason

be the reason for the conversation

The Enneagram has changed my life. This is a rather profound statement, but it is 100% accurate. It has changed how I look at every relationship in my life both personal and professional. The Enneagram is always in my back pocket when I coach, as it accurately guides me in conversations and allows me insight that no other tool provides. The Enneagram deepens your self-awareness, helping you recognize why you do what you do and how to get out of your own way. It strengthens your relationships, by providing you with a greater understanding of another’s perspective and how to find common ground. It also illuminates a path for growth, enabling you to make more conscious choices in line with your authentic self.

So what the heck is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a personality assessment that facilitates a deeper understanding of how you operate when you are at your "best self" and when you are at your "not-so-best self". The enneagram itself has been around for thousands of years and was used as a guide to determine what sin you were most likely to commit. Not until the past 50 years was the cloak of personal assessment nuanced into the enneagram.

We are all born with our type (parents- rest assured that you cannot parent your children to be a certain type). We are born with a sprinkling of our type and develop it as we grow. When we are met with trauma in our lives, we often revert to our worst selves, but as we grow and liberate we come closer to aligning our actions and thoughts with our best-selves. Use the Enneagram as a guide to walk you through your journey. Give the Enneagram at try, I promise you it will be illuminating. (See my go-to Enneagram test below, that is absolutely free).

The Three Reasons I am Obsessed With The Enneagram:

  1. The Enneagram made me feel, well, normal. I always knew I was a bit different than most of my peers. My mom always told me I had a "joie de vie" unlike no other. (She meant, I had a zest for life, and took it to another level). I would try anything. Fly to Asia at aged 21 for a year (pre-cellphone), sure why not? Enroll in law school at aged 27 because I intrinsically knew I was meant for more? Let's do this baby! Have four boys? Sounds like a plan. You get the picture. I was never met with fear when tackling a new idea. And my ideas-if you know me --you know I can't stop the flow of inspiration. My husband always warns people, don't plant a seed with Julie, she will run with it! I just kept doing and doing and I never knew anyone quite like myself. Then I met The Enneagram. And I was happy to find out that, there was actually a description of myself at the end of the test. Post-Enneagram test, I was met with a typology that described me to a tee.

I am the Enneagram Type 7.

If you wanted to know more about me- here you go:

Core Fear:

  • Being deprived, trapped in emotional pain, limited, or bored; missing out on something fun.

Core Desire:

  • Being happy, fully satisfied, and content.

Core Weakness:

  • Gluttony—feeling a great emptiness inside and having an insatiable desire to “fill themselves up” with experiences and stimulation in hopes of feeling completely satisfied and content.

Core Longing (message 7's longs to hear):

  • “You will be taken care of.”

2. I became a believer in the Enneagram and it's great wisdom when I started using this assessment in my coaching program. After a client took the test, I would explain to them their type. During the conversation, I would be captivated by the look in their eyes. My clients are often captivated as I reveal the nuances of their type. And THE LOOK. The looks on their faces often appear to be stunned, as though I had uncovered a secret. They would respond with, "how did you know this about me"? And they question me as though I harnessed psychic abilities. The simple truth is found in the Enneagram. It has nothing to do with my ability to read their minds. Or so they think.

3. The third reason I have become the biggest Enneagram groupie of all times is that it helps me be a more empathetic human. The profound understanding that we are put on this earth with a certain "type" allows me to navigate relationships in a deeper way. If I have a friend who is quirky, intelligent, and feels misunderstood, I know they are navigating this life through a different filter (and-most-likey a 5 on the Enneagram). I have a compassionate understanding of the complex tapestry that makes us all unique and the Enneagram fosters deeper growth in this self-education.

4. Ok-- I said I had three top reasons why I am obsessed with this brilliant assessment. And as a 7-I have one more. It is a great party game. Take it to your holiday gathering (or non-gathering covid style) and administer the Enneagram. It is a fun way to get to know all the personalities around you. It is a facilitator of connection. It is fun to see faces light up just because they are feeling understood.

Enneagram Resources: My Top Picks

Take the Test For Free:

Enneapp: Have the Enneagram in Your Back Pocket (Literally)

Take a Course on The Enneagram To Learn More:

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Updated: Oct 25, 2020

Boycotting the News

I participated in a news boycott this summer. I found myself depleted mentally from the onslaught of misinformation and despair the daily news outlets provided me. This soul-defeating cadence driven by panic-inducing newsfeeds led to my rejection of all news sources. I decidedly chose to be ignorant. This momentary blackout was the scrumptious release I needed. I lived a summer of here nor there, I was just present as I untethered my brain from the morbid prophecies predicted by CNN and Fox News alike.

--> Fast forward to October 2020, I resumed my consumption. It was hard to ignore the forecasted Covid spikes and Presidential debates. The looming events festered at the seams of my Google feed. And with one click of the mouse, I was overwhelmed with a tsunami of cautionary edits.

Last week, I focused my attention on the presidential debate. I quickly was reminded of why I initiated my news boycott. However, I rationalized, I needed to be an informed voter and I couldn't ignore the blistering storm brewing. In case you have too, enjoyed the bliss of a news-free life, here is a summary of events that are cosmically headed our way.

This week is predicted to be a collision of earthly and unearthly shifts in our human experiences. As ominous as this week's events feel, there is good news. (I promise you this is not all negative). The conflux of Halloween, The Election, Corona Virus, and the appearance of a glorious blue moon will provide the tools to strengthen our resilience and unite as a global community.


It has not been since 1944 that a Full, Blue Moon will be visible to the human eye on earth. NASA states that this visual delight will provide a lucky or unlucky experience for us mere humans. And because this is 2020, the blue moon will illuminate the skies on Halloween.

The Moon reaches apogee, the farthest point from Earth in its orbit, at 2:45 P.M. EDT. It will then sit 252,522 miles from Earth.

It's also the first time a Halloween full moon has appeared for all time zones since 1944, according to Farmers' Almanac. The last time a Halloween full moon appeared was for the Central and Pacific time zones in 2001.

The "once in a blue moon" phenomenon does not necessarily mean the moon will look blue on Halloween. While the dark blue tone of an evening sky can affect the coloring we see, Earth's satellite will most likely not appear blue at all. Typically, when a moon does take on a bluish hue, it is because of smoke or dust particles in the atmosphere, such as during a major volcanic eruption. When the phrase "once in a blue moon" was coined, it meant something so rare you'd be lucky (or unlucky) to see in your lifetime, according to NASA. So if anything unusual happens to you on Halloween, (more unusual than any other day) there might just be a good reason why.

2. Mercury Is In Retrograde

According to scientists, Mercury In Retrograde is simply an optical illusion. But according to astrologers, this can be a disastrous time for communication and travel, facets thought to be ruled by the planet Mercury, named for the Roman god who ruled the same. This might sound like a fairly specific concern, , Mercury’s perceived movements can affect “listening, speaking, learning, reading, editing, researching, negotiating, selling, buying … all formal contracts and agreements, important documents … as well as transportation, shipping, and travel.”

For these reasons, astrologers often advise that we avoid travel, sensitive communication, and making decisions during Mercury retrograde. Technology breaks down. Flights are delayed and/or canceled. Texts are misinterpreted. It’s not a good time to start something new because agreements made during this time are likely to shortchange one party or another. It’s also a ripe opportunity for disagreement with loved ones, so astrologers caution discretion in interpersonal discussions.

3. The Elections Is Going To Get Nasty

As the presidential election draws closer, so does the assault of negative ad campaigns. The dissemination of confusion will escalate this week. (consider this a warning). Facebook announced a handful of updates to prepare for the possibility that final results won’t be known immediately on Nov. 3. In fact, Facebook is not allowing any new political ads on its platform this week. The suspension of political ads is similar to a plan Google also adopted in an effort to keep candidates and their campaigns from spreading misleading or confusing messages to voters. This respite on Google and Facebook is a much-needed relief from this mudslinging political circus.

4. Corona Virus Cases Are on The Rise......Again

The majority of Americans, this summer, had a taste of luxurious freedom. This was the kind of freedom we took for granted prior to 2020. We had the opportunity to delight in the sunshine and see our friends. Our indulgences were as simple as eating al-fresco at our favorite restaurants. Many of us packed our bags and hit the road. We were quickly reminded of the pleasures travel afforded. According to the CDC, Covid cases are expected to surge in the next month and the impending closure of many businesses and schools is leaving a pit in our collective stomachs.

This time we are prepared. We have more tools in our wheelhouse to properly approach this possible restriction on our freedoms. Here is the good news. The panic that we felt in March of 2020 does not have to consume our thoughts and actions. Approaching the pandemic this winter with a cautious cadence, peppered with our adherence to wearing masks, is all ready common-place.


The gorgeous truth of this week is that we have the power to strengthen who we are at our very core. Approaching this week with a heart of gratitude is more powerful than a news boycott. We have the power to shift our minds and approach this week with curiosity. By asking questions we are uniquely qualified to choose how these events will affect our lives. We have the power to vote. We have the power to bask in the luminous light of the powerful moon. We have the power to gaze up to the stars and marvel at what an expansive solar system we live in. And we have the power to get out of our own minds and help those affected by the Corona Virus. This is the most amazing shift we can embrace. You have the power to view this week as a gift. You are here on this planet to make a difference and, I believe, this is the time to do it.


UPCOMING EVENTS: Wednesdays are for Wonderment. Join me for discussions on topics the illicit my wonderment. As always, these are open to all!

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Updated: Oct 16, 2020

Do you have an idea that is meant to be a thriving business?

Collect Experiences,

Not Riches

Since I was a small girl I have been colored as a passionate, free-spirit. Family historians commented on my ability to embrace extraordinary opportunities. While meandering through electrifying experiences during my years I was met by an eclectic group of mentors who lit my soul on fire. These collections of moments and people opened my heart to unique opportunities and quieted the bubbling murmurs of self-limiting thoughts.

As a girl I looked at sparkly new ventures as a chance to meet new people and learn new things- and I never factored “failure” or “what- ifs” into the equation. I do recognize that most people are not wired this way. I recognize that grounded, forward-focused people typically take an approach anchored with a well-thought-out blueprint. My gypsy-like navigation through life coupled with my “I can do anything” attitude were met with stumbling blocks. However, these stumbling blocks were not walls of resistance for me. They were the pages in which I learned the most valuable lessons.

During my entrepreneurial exploration sometimes I soared-and other times I stumbled. What has been constant in this entrepreneurial equation was my ability to get back up after setbacks, brush off my boots, and learn the lessons of my journey.

Needless to say, the fumbles along this path are now the teaching tools I impart to clients with a steady cadence. Through trial and error, I believe I have created a functional roadmap for you that offers you the opportunity to revolutionize your ideas and ultimately monetize this service or product.

My personal story began with a spark. I had just finished my Master’s Certification Life Coaching- and I became certain I wanted to practice this craft on a bigger scale. I recognized that coaching was my calling. Coaching was my Ikigai.

Coaching is my Ikigai.

What is “IKIGAI”? Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means "a reason for being". The word refers to having a direction or purpose in life, that which makes one's life worthwhile, and towards which an individual takes spontaneous and willing actions giving them satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life.

This mission, or Ikigai, is a primal calling from within- and I knew I was destined to live my life as a coach and lead the coaching industry with an authentic and innovative practice.

This entrepreneurial drive was sparked by a lightning bolt- and this revelation hit me all at once- I was an ENTREPRENEUR in the making. I needed to take this idea and make it a real, thriving business.

I approached this business idea with my usual “Figure- it- out- as- I- Go- Along- Style”. Spending countless hours basking the dimly lit glow of my computer, I educated myself on how to launch a coaching business online.

Google became my teacher as I learned how to distinguish myself from the multitudes of other coaches that crowded the world wide web. Podcasts became my touchstone as I drank the Kool-Aid of those hustlers who went before me.

I dove deep into Facebook and Instagram to understand algorithms and the advertising cycle. I experimented on different forms of social media. And I made mistakes. One error was that I concluded that Pinterest was an out-of-date platform and that it reaped little benefits. I failed to realize that Pinterest is a search engine (not a social media platform) that can be as powerful as Google.

My path of educating myself landed in the bowels of “YouTube”. I also taught myself how to edit and make videos. With scrappy determination I am proud to say I became a novice website designer. Perhaps my most satisfying accolade was when I taught myself how to create and market an online mastermind group. This became an extension of my practice and now boasts a nation-wide community of like-minded growth-seekers who meet weekly….... and the list continues.

Your Idea may begin as a spark. You need to fan this small flame and surround yourself with like-minded people that, perhaps, have walked ahead of you in your entrepreneurial journey.

To say that I was obsessed is an understatement. I spent days upon days lapping up every tip and trick to take my business to entrepreneurial oblivion. Through plucky ingenuity and a true belief in my skill set- my mission-based idea grew into a life-giving, full-time business in less than 1 year.

Does this sound impossible? I guarantee that this is the most possible thing you will ever do-- IF your idea is born out of love. If this quest is purpose -driven and not money- driven, you have the best chance to succeed. The bottom line is that because I was able to successfully launch my coaching business, I am doing what I am most passionate about--imparting wisdom and guiding people towards living the life they are meant to live.

Do you have a spark? If you have that feeling in your gut that you have an idea that will make a difference-do not let that tiny flame be extinguished. Take it to the next level, take it to a hustle. But do it the smart way.

-you got this. Jules

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