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The Voice Of Reason

be the reason for the conversation

Fighting unrelenting exhaustion in a world that never relents.

Even the most dedicated of "live- your- best- life gurus" are not immune to that overwhelming feeling of pure exhaustion. This exhaustion is amplified with the looming greyness of winter skies. Grey, dank streaks of sunless days zap our already markedly low energy levels. I write this blog with every intention of infusing a little knowledge and useful tips into your everyday....but today- I share with you my story of being spread to thin.

It was quite apparent today, that of all days, my energy level was barely existent. I tousled all night fighting a migraine that rattled my neck and slowly creeped up behind my eyes. My migraines, are a sign of environmental changes, hormone fluctuations and, I imagine self-imposed stress. Needless, to say, my quality of sleep suffered. And thus, my patience, creativity and overall lens on life suffers.

So today, as I arose, I arose with the agility of a senior citizen. This is not going to be good--I tell myself. Typically each day I wake up and step into my morning with a very personalized ritual. I get out of bed, before everyone in the house is awake. I relish in the silence (possibly the only time of day that is quiet). I use this sacred space to start my day with gratitude. I mentally create a vision for me day. This is done over a cup of hot coffee or tea and then I jump into my workout.


  • A morning routine helps you to feel more grounded and embodied. It helps you to slow down and tune into your intuition.

  • Enables you to batch your energy sources and self-care in a defined amount of time.

  • Makes you less reactive and more intentional as you start your work day.

  • Helps you feel more productive without feeling fragmented.Promotes more space and pause to make choices that nourish you

  • It syncs with your natural rhythms and those of nature.

  • It optimizes your decision making power for creative and productive work.

So all good days point to starting your first minutes with gratitude, internal direction, a good stretch and honoring your strength. However, today was not the morning I envisioned. Hobbling through my house, blurry eyed and directionless, I could not access the energy to even walk thru the steps of my daily morning routine. However, I was immediately reminded of the energy that I needed to muster today when my son awoke with a brash smile giggled--"Mom today is going to be a great day--my birthday sleepover!".

HOLY FRICKIN MOLY. Today is the day my husband and I bravely invited 10 TEN YEAR OLD BOYS for a sleep over. This event was the brainchild of yours truly. A week ago, I thought it creative genius to have a slough of adorably cute yet decibel smashing boys over for 16 hours of sleepless fun. There is no way this elderly-feeling, slow-poke will be of any use this evening if I feel imprisoned by my own exhaustion.


So in moments of extreme exhaustion how can you access organic energy to optimize your day?

  • Start by reframing your state of exhaustion. Yes, you can feel it in your bones, You want to crawl back into bed. You want to shut the world away--but literally cannot. The demands on your life are knocking at the door. By systematically unpacking and prioritizing what is most important in this moment you gain clarity and eliminate overwhelm. Seeing your day in front of you in black and white can be a useful roadmap to keep you on point.

  • Stop feeding your exhaustion by thinking about it. Change your environment. Go for a quick walk. Make a call to a bestie. Listen to a podcast. Write a blog.

  • Make thoughtful choices with food. Instead of grabbing the last browning in the pan, chose something packed with powerful nutrients. Eggs, green tea, a smoothie, a get it.

  • Honor your circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle. They respond primarily to light and darkness in an organism's environment. Sleeping at night and being awake during the day is an example of a light-related circadian rhythm. Buy a relatively cheap circadian optic light that can give you a dose of Vitamin D--aptly called the "sunshine vitamin" . See Below for more information--in PRODUCTS I LOVE.

  • Honor your body. Take a power nap to reviatalize you--no more than 20 minutes.

  • Dab a few drops of essential oils on your wrist and temples. I love how peppermint infuses a blast of energy via my olfactory receptors.

  • And take pen to paper and write 3 things you are grateful for--see through the fog of listless anticipation. For me today:

1. The memory of giving birth 11 years ago to a perfectly formed male who consistently amazes me with his colorful outlook he has in life
2. The blast of sunshine that reflects the diamond-like sheen of frozen snow
3. The way my husband tells me I am beautiful even though I am a puffy eyed, matted haired, wearing my pajamas until noon kinda gal today.

So in closing--remember, you have the choice to determine how your day goes. Only you. You are the narrator of this day. And you are never guaranteed a tomorrow. Use the tools you have to make it your best. And honey, get some sleep!


Circadian Optics infuses style with the burst of Vitamin D you need when winter takes over! I have the following one on my desk which is a lifesaver! Good price point makes it even a better deal. @circadianoptics #circadianoptics.

DoTTEra Pepperment Oil:

There is a big disparity in quality of essential oils. DoTTera delivers an unmatched level of purity and strength in their product line. And I just adore good 'ol fashioned Peppermint. It gives me a jolt of electrifying energy packed into just a few droplets. @doterra #doterrapeppermint

Check out all things DoTTera on @dianabaker11 instagram feed.

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Optimize your potential on Social Media's Safe Place. #empoweryourself #coaching

Not quite sure if LinkedIn is actually helpful in your career refresh? Experiment with up leveling your profile. A strategic plan of attack can attract recruiters and present a more polished personal brand-


Almost 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to search for candidates, but most job seekers are overlooking this valuable opportunity.

If you’re like many professionals, you probably created a profile and occasionally go back to add more connections. However, there is so much more you can do with this platform to advance your career.

Take charge of your future and attract more attention from potential employers. Try these tips for designing and using your LinkedIn profile.

Designing your LinkedIn Profile:

1. Edit your headline. Start by writing a specific headline. Tell employers what value you add and make them want to learn more. Keep your audience in mind and avoid technical terms that may be unfamiliar to them.

2. Update your summary. Your summary is where you can add more details and showcase your achievements. Provide statistics to describe your impact. Add multimedia attachments like videos and work samples to help you stand out.

3. Choose your photo. Pick an image that looks professional and clear. Focus on your face and use flattering natural light.

4. Add keywords. Help recruiters and automated search tools to find you. Browse through job descriptions and resumes for keywords that are popular in your field and include them in your profile, including the headline and summary.

5. Choose your URL. LinkedIn gives your profile a URL, but you can change it to something that you like better or might work more effectively for you. If your name is already taken, use a

slight variation with your middle initial or hometown.

6. Welcome recruiters. Is your profile visible to recruiters? Go into your privacy settings to be sure that you’ve opted to let them know that you want to hear from them. You’ll need to reset this switch every few months if you’re still looking.

7. Be consistent. Your resume is usually written for a specific opening while your profile is a more general statement. Still, you want them to be similar enough to avoid causing any confusion.

8. Check the meter. LinkedIn provides a profile strength meter to help you rate yourself. It will give you helpful recommendations about additional steps you can take, such as adding more information about volunteer work and foreign languages.

Using your LinkedIn Profile:

1. Gather recommendations and endorsements. Recruiters want to know what others say about you. Ask former employers and other contacts for recommendations. Use your endorsements to advertise skills that are in high demand. If you’re generous about helping others, they’ll be more likely to return the favor.

2. Write and publish. Share your knowledge and insights on the LinkedIn publishing platform. Develop a content strategy and use a calendar that will remind you to publish regularly.

3. Join groups. Look for groups in your subject area and participate actively. Post articles and answer questions. Avoid any temptation to over-promote yourself. 4. Monitor your connections. Stay on the lookout for valuable connections to add to your network. Send them personal invitations that will make a positive impression.

5. Encourage others. Think of LinkedIn as a community where you can exchange ideas and support. Comment on posts from other users and share them with your own connections.

6. Be discreet. While you’re working to raise your visibility, keep in mind that there may be times when you want to keep your job-hunting activities off view from your current boss and HR department. Change your privacy settings so you can control what information you want to make public.

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile can make it easier for others to find you and help you reach your professional goals. You’ll increase your job satisfaction, and you’ll probably spend less time on the unemployment line.

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What is holding you BACK? Why are you not narrating your own story?

Coaching yourself to REGAIN Power.
What is Holding you BACK?

This is a great tool in which you can say daily. Put it by your bedside--and before reaching for that phone-grab this -make it your intention. Personalize it-Stylize it-Make this a reflection of what your soul aches for.


Acknowledge YOUR Power

I break free from the habits that are holding me back. I let go of old baggage and open up new opportunities.

I challenge my self-limiting beliefs. I distinguish between facts and feelings. When I start to question my abilities, I remember my past achievements.

I face my fears. Each time I do something that scares me, I build my confidence and reduce my anxiety.

I acknowledge my power. I am the only one who can narrate my story.

I know that I can change any area of my life if I am willing to work at it.

I forgive others and myself.

I feel lighter and happier when I stop replaying the past. If someone lets me down, I wish them well and move on. I learn from my experiences instead of regretting them.

I manage stress. I relax my body and mind with yoga and meditation. I take a warm bath or listen to soft music. I reach out to others when I need help. I rely on the anchors in my life who remind me of my strength and authenticity

I think positive. I focus on what I have to gain. I decide to be happy and cheerful.

I live authentically. I take pride in being an excellent version of me instead of comparing myself to others. I put my own principles and priorities ahead of external expectations. I celebrate my unique strengths and talents.

Today, I free myself from judgements and false limitations. I go beyond my comfort zone and experience new adventures.

Self-Reflection Questions:

THE BIG WHY? Why are you right here? Right now? Right in this space?

What is holding you back?

How have you narrated your life up to this point?

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